by pagettec | Jun 12, 2017 | Seniors, Uncategorized
It’s official. Wayne and I are the parents of a high school senior. The mix of emotions is incredible. I am excited, terrified, and overwhelmed – all at the same time! There are tests, college visits and applications, and lots of lasts {and firsts!}. And for me, I...
by pagettec | May 26, 2017 | Basic Photography Education, Families, Uncategorized
This week’s topic is Photography Basics – Understanding Camera Modes. How many have you tried to use? Anything other than full Auto? I hope so! If not, your challenge after reading this is to GO PLAY WITH YOUR CAMERA! You might not be ready for full Manual...
by pagettec | May 25, 2017 | Seniors, Teens, Uncategorized
As a San Antonio and Austin Senior Photographer, Griffin’s senior session was very special for me. I’ve had the pleasure of knowing Griffin’s mom and dad, Valeria and Craig, for well over 25 years. When Valerie called and asked me to be Griffin’s photographer, I was...
by pagettec | May 23, 2017 | Seniors, Teens
I love getting to meet fabulous students as a San Antonio Senior Photographer, and Megan’s Senior Session this spring was such a treat! There are so many outstanding teens in our community, and it is truly a pleasure to serve these great students and their families....
by pagettec | May 22, 2017 | Uncategorized
As a San Antonio Senior Photographer, I love getting to spend time with my clients and their families, and Shelby’s Senior Session was no exception. Her smile is contagious and she has the sweetest personality (and don’t let her quiet demeanor fool you). MacArthur...
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