Hi there!
Welcome to my blog. I love to share recent sessions and other information from time to time. Take your time to browse around. If you like what you see, I’d love to visit with you! You can contact me here through my website or via Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
Senior Portraits – What You Should Know
Senior Portraits – what you should know…..
Senior year is a special time in your life and should be treated as such. Your senior portrait session should be part of your senior memories. As a San Antonio senior photographer, I wanted to share how you can get the most out of your senior portrait experience.

You have a choice.
While most of our local high schools use companies that they have contracted with for your official yearbook photo, you can choose to go elsewhere for your senior portrait experience. Typically, the cap and gown/ black tux or drape photo is what you get from these “big box” studio companies. These aren’t meant to show your personality! For senior year, you should have a portrait experience that reflect you, your interests and your style. At PCP, I can help you do that!

Capture the moment.
Parents – Senior year only happens once, so be sure to capture it. There are only a handful of big milestones in our children’s lives. Senior year and that transition to college is one of the biggest. Don’t miss out on this opportunity to document this time in your teen’s life.

Hire a Pro.
Use a professional. I know senior year takes a bite out of your wallet (I’ve been there!). Senior pictures aren’t the item to skimp out on! Use a pro – someone that you love their work. Someone that educates themselves regularly on how to make their photography and the service they provide better. Don’t use your “cousin with a nice camera”. With a pro, you’ll have images that are beautiful, flattering to your senior. At PCP, we are experts at using the available light and at using special lighting techniques to set your images apart from those of your friends. We strive to give great customer service to all of our clients every time we work with them. In the end, you will ultimately be happier with professional images – even if they cost you more money up front.

Skip the “Digital Files Only” Option
Hire a professional that will provide high quality products and prints. In our digital era, it’s tempting to go the “I just want the digital images” route. This current generation of teens is the most photographed in history, yet we are printing fewer images than ever before. A professional portrait photographer will provide you choices for heirloom quality wall art, albums, and prints that will last for generations. Having the digital images is important for most people today, but they can be lost or may degrade over time. Having wall art, prints and albums that are professionally crafted will bring you much more joy! At PCP, we have an extensive array of choices for wall art, custom designed albums, professional prints and gifts for family and friends. You can also get digital files, depending on what you order.

So often I hear “I don’t know what to wear or bring for my shoot”. We can help you. At PCP we will meet with you before your session for a planning meeting. You can bring pieces/ outfits you’re considering and then we can plan how to put them to use. I will make suggestions on items and accessories to add. You can include sports equipment and uniforms, instruments, your letterman jacket, or even your car or your favorite dog! Seniors often borrow items from friends to complete their looks!

Whether you want to stay local or have another location you want to consider, we will help you plan those details for your shoot. If there is more that one location that you like and they are close to each other, we can do both! This gives you maximum flexibility in your session locations.

Join the PCP Senior Team
If you are a current junior, consider joining our 2021 PCP Senior Team. Our team members get first choice of session dates, exclusive opportunities for group shoots and team activities and exclusive discounts and credits. We will be announcing the application for our 2021 Team in January 2020. If you’d like to be the first to know, contact me and I will add you to the email list for team announcements.

Let’s Talk!
At PCP, we would love to be your senior photographer. We know you have a choice and that it’s important to get the most out of your senior portrait experience. Contact us soon so we can book and plan your session! If you’d like to get a copy of our PCP Seniors Guide, click here. You can also contact us here for more information or contact us =with the information below.
Check out or Instagram and Facebook pages for more Senior portrait inspiration!
2020 PCP Big Reveal Open House
At Pagette Callender Photography, we are excited for our 2020 PCP Big Reveal Open House coming up on Sunday! As a San Antonio Senior Photographer, we can’t wait to unveil the portraits of our 2020 PCP Senior Team in our studio. This event is open to our team, their friends and family, and anyone interested in booking their senior session with Pagette Callender Photography.

The 2020 PCP Big Reveal Open House is Sunday September 29, 2019 from 3-5PM. It is a come and go event, so if you only have a few minutes, that’s ok! Just pop in, let’s book your session, and check out our senior portraits to see what your session can be like. Bring a friend with you!

What is the Big Reveal?
The “Big Reveal” is the reveal of the portraits of our Class of 2020 PCP Senior Team models. They are high school seniors from schools around SA – just like you! They have all had they’re initial sessions with PCP, and many will have subsequent sessions during the year and will also participate in our upcoming group shoot and other team activities.

Are there incentives for booking at the Open House?
Yes! Seniors who book at the 2020 PCP Big Reveal Open House or in the 2 weeks following our open house will receive $50 off their booking fee and 2 complimentary 5×7 or 8×10 prints. These seniors will also get priority booking for October and November session dates (session dates are only guaranteed with payment of booking fee).

Not yet a senior? Come and apply for our 2021 PCP Senior Team
We would love to have you join our 2021 PCP Senior team! As a PCP Senior Team model, you have your session with Pagette Callender Photography and have opportunities to participate in other shoot and group activities during your senior year.

Come See Us!
Come see us on Sunday! 3-5PM at our studio.
102 Lochaven Lane, San Antonio, TX 78213
Can’t make it on Sunday? Call me ASAP or contact me HERE so that we can book your session and schedule a planning meeting.
Visit our Instagram and Facebook pages for more senior portrait inspiration!

San Antonio Tween Photographer 2019 Who I Am Project
Growing up can be hard to do…..
I’m sure you remember the tween and early teen years.
For me, this was a time of braces, permed hair, shoulder pads (ugh), glasses, and the oh-so-fabulous official middle school photo. I felt like the opposite of beautiful. I was lacking in self-confidence and in belief of who I could become. Looking back at those images of me now, I see so much there – so much beauty, so much ability. I wish I could go back and give “Tween” Me a hug and show her how great she really was, let her know that everything was going to be okay, and to not worry so much. As a mom and photographer, I see that this age range often gets overlooked – that Tween age that starts around 10 until hitting the official 1-3…and teenager-hood. This time of life is also a huge transition, as I’m sure we can all remember. It can be confusing, and self-confidence and self-image can get shaky. These are the reasons behind the San Antonio Tween Photographer 2019 Who I Am Project.
San Antonio Tween Photographer 2019 Who I Am Project
I started the “Who I Am” photography project in tandem with Tween sessions to fill in the forgotten photo years while enriching the lives of girls up to 13 years old. I’m making it my personal mission to capture those lost preteen and early teen years. The main goal of the Who I Am Project is to make pre-teens look and feel beautiful and be confident in who they are.
Who can participate?
Girls age 10-13 are invited to participate in these limited edition sessions. I will ask the tween, their parents, grandparents, and maybe their coach a few questions, then combine the text and photographs to create one impactful piece of art. If someone surprised you with 10 or more positive quotes about you, how would you feel? Amazing, I’m sure, and that is what I am doing. Well, not for you but for your awesome 10-13 year old.
Why “Who I am”?
I want to capture the personality of these tweens and new teens and record the last stage of their childhood before they become young ladies. I want them to realize their true beauty so that they are confident in themselves approaching and during middle school. Imagine the impact a single beautiful image can do for your child’s self-image.
Click here to view Emily’s 2018 Who I am Project slideshow.
How to participate or nominate a friend.
To have your daughter participate in the San Antonio Tween Photographer 2019 Who I Am Project with Pagette Callender Photography, please click HERE to fill out the contact form by Friday, July 19. If you would like to nominate a friend or family member of yours that you think would be perfect for this, please use the same contact form. Between Now and July 20, please nominate people you think would enjoy the boutique experience I provide. For the “Who I Am” Project Limited Edition Tween Sessions, the Creative Fee is Discounted to $50 (normally $200) and each session includes a $50 print credit. No minimum purchase is required. My goal is to create a gorgeous collection of images you’ll love and that truly show your child’s spirit and soul! Many people like to use these photos as birthday, Christmas, Grandparents’ Day, Valentine’s Day and “just because” gifts for their daughter. My Tween/Early Teen portrait collections start at $399.
Get more info about PCP or book a Senior, Teen, or Family Session
I would love to talk with you about your photography needs! I am currently booking 2020 Seniors as well and teens and families for summer and fall 2019. Contact me HERE so that we can schedule your consultation.
Project Beauty 2019 | San Antonio Teen Photographer
Project Beauty 2019
In 2017, a renowned senior photographer in Ohio, Thomas Nguyen, started a small campaign called “Project Beauty” to help build self-confidence, and more importantly, self-acceptance in teens. Since it’s creation, Project Beauty has grown into a nationwide movement to improve how teens view themselves and to promote a healthy self-image. With this movement, photographers work with a charity that deeply impacts teens. The funds and donations from the sessions go directly to support local organizations that help to encourage and empower young people.
Over the years, some of the seniors and teens I’ve photographed – or someone close to them – have experienced bullying, fought personal battles – eating disorders, self-hate, negative body issues, or have attempted suicide or other forms of self-harm. These are often the popular teens, team captains, models, valedictorians, academic leaders, those who are extremely talented and active in their school activities. (This is clearly a nationwide issue.) Even though these might be the last teens we would consider to have any of these kinds of issues, it happens. Now, many senior photographers across the country are trying to impact how teens perceive body image.
Join the Movement
We want you to join our movement! I would love for you (teen girls age 13-19) to participate in Project Beauty 2019!
For Project Beauty sessions wardrobe is simply jeans and a white top or t-shirt. You will wear no makeup and hair is however you want it to be, but I would suggest keeping it simple. All images will be black and white, taken in my studio, and will not be retouched. There is no fee to participate, but a donation per participant of $15 is suggested. All proceeds will be donated to Girls, Inc. of San Antonio. Each participant will have the opportunity to view their images in an online gallery and can select 2 images to download. Additional images will be available for purchase if wanted.
Here are the details:
Teen girls, ages 13-19
Saturday, May 11 from 9 AM to 3 PM – 15 Minute slots (call or email for time right now – I plan to create a schedule)
Location: My studio – 102 Lochaven Ln, Castle Hills, TX 78213
Here is how YOU can help!!!!
– Book a Project Beauty Photo Session: These mini sessions will be offered for teens 13-19 for a $15 minimum donation. 100% will be donated directly to Girls, Inc. San Antonio.
– Teens – Write down what True Beauty means to you and email it to me or bring it with you to your session – it can be 1 sentence or a paragraph
– Invite your teen friends to participate with you
– Donate. Donations come in many ways. Time, talents, and financially. We would love to be able to showcase the images at a gallery night. If you know a person or business who would be interested in donating gallery space, donate to cover costs of printing and displaying the images for the event, or to the charity itself, please let me know. If you’d like to help the day of Project Beauty, I will need help managing the schedule, donations, and people. If we are able to have a gallery night, we will need assistance with food, admission/donations. You can also help me with spreading the word!! If you have other ways you would like to contribute to Project Beauty, please Contact pagettec@pagettecallender.com – subject: [Project Beauty]
– Money can be tight for teens, if you want to make a donation toward a teen’s Project Beauty Photo Session or buy a print for them, please contact pagettec@pagettecallender.com – subject [Project Beauty].
Thank you so much for your attention and please call/email me if you have any questions or are ready to sign up.
Only 4 more months… {San Antonio Senior Photographer}
Only 4 more months…
Four months left. Let that sink in.
Some of you reading have a senior graduating soon. Even if your kids are younger, the sentiment is still the same. They’re heading toward the finish line of yet another school year. For me, the transition years have been the hardest – elementary to middle, middle to high school, and graduation. It’s amazing and hard to watch your kids grow up!
Hudson’s Senior Year
Hudson’s senior year is still fresh in my mind. Last year was a whirlwind! Last February, Hudson had just wrapped up his high school swimming career at the regional finals and we were in Washington, DC, for his senior class travel experience. I was determined to squeeze out as many memories as possible during the last few months of his senior year.
Hudson’s senior year was filled with college visits and applications, AP classes, football and swimming, a senior class trip, senior award ceremonies, lots of lasts, and finally, graduation. It was BUSY! In addition to the DC trip, we also took family trips to Estes Park, Colorado, Jackson Hole Wyoming, and went to Idaho for a family wedding.
Growing into a New Chapter
There was so much GOOD last year, but it wasn’t without some trying moments. I am very proud that Wayne and I have raised Hudson and Carson (16) to be very independent, but as a mom it was still hard to take a step back and let him grow into the young adult he was (and still is) becoming. We were beginning to grow into a new chapter. Letting up on control isn’t an easy thing for me and that led to frustrating moments for Hudson and me, both. Can anyone relate???
Enjoy {All} the Moments
Even with the occasional pushback from Hudson, I made it a priority to be present and enjoy {all} the moments. Football games, school functions, travel experiences, and I gave LOTS of hugs and said lots of “I Love You’s”. I chaperoned his school senior trip to DC because I wanted those last few moments with him. I treasured all the moments I could spend with him last year.
There were more than a few tears shed – much to the “seriously, mom” comments from my son. (insert eye roll) The emotions would hit sometimes out of nowhere – a memory bubbling to the surface or the realization that we were closing another chapter of Hudson’s high school experience.
Enjoying this New Chapter
Hudson is now in his 2nd semester at Trinity University and is thriving. He’s enjoying classes, playing rugby, working with Trinity Outdoor Rec, and is heavily involved in clubs and church activities. He’s being the social butterfly he’s always been! I am still working on stepping back. It’s a process. We even let Hudson drive to California during the recent Christmas break with his college roommate to climb a mountain. Hudson and Keller had a great trip, and I was worried the whole time. I was much happier once they were home safe! I’m enjoying this new chapter. Hudson is living on campus, but since he’s local, it’s been a pleasure to meet and get to know his roommate, Keller, and his new friends.
Only 4 More Months…
Senior year is a time to encourage and celebrate your senior, but it’s also a special time for you, mom and dad. Enjoy the next four months. Don’t apologize for being present, taking pictures, giving lots of hugs, shedding a few tears, and enjoying all the moments. You do YOU.
You’ve earned it, too.
Now Booking 2019 PCP Spring Senior Sessions
Are you still needing to book senior portraits? There is still time! I would love to meet with you and your senior for a complimentary consultation. Contact Me today and lets get portraits crossed off your long senior ‘To Do’ list!
Hailey’s Senior Session {San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer}
Hailey’s Senior Session {San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer} highlights one of my favorite young people (ever), Hailey Ballard. As as San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer, I have MANY favorite young people, but today I’m talking about Hailey!

Knowing Hailey
I have had the pleasure of knowing Hailey since basically, birth! Her parents Ginna and Dave, are dear friends of ours, and our boys are close friends with Hailey and her sis, Emma (another of my fave young people!). Hailey is an outstanding senior at Canyon HS in New Braunfels, TX. She has many incredible talents, but the one I enjoy most is her beautiful singing! Watching Hailey grow into the amazing young woman she is today has been truly a pleasure. She has such a beautiful personality, loves Jesus and people, and has a beautiful smile through which her soul shines!

Worship Leader

Hailey assists in leading worship for Trinity Baptist Church in San Antonio, TX. She is not only a gifted singer, but she is also a strong student leader for our church’s student ministry. I love getting to hear her sing on Sundays!
Hailey’s Senior Session {San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer}

Over the years, I have had the opportunity to photograph Hailey several times. Her PCP Senior Session was my favorite! I was so excited that she chose to be a part of my 2019 PCP Senior Team. Hailey wanted a beautiful, natural setting for her session and chose Cibolo Nature Center in Boerne. The location was absolutley perfect! Every outfit and accessory she chose perfectly reflected her style! I loved that she included her guitar for part of her session! My very favorite images were of Hailey in the water. Thank goodness for Chaco’s! Wearing them allowed Hailey to get in the water without the rocks killing her feet. (And thank goodness for Photoshop which allowed me to make sure her pink sandals weren’t apparent in her portraits!) Hair and Makeup by Jax Studio in San Antonio.

Hailey’s Bright Future

Hailey has received multiple college acceptance offers, including Trinity University – one of the top schools in Texas! I know that wherever Hailey goes to college, she will be successful and will shine, and will continue to use her God-given talents. I will be praying for her all along the way!

Love ya, Hailey!!

Join the 2020 PCP Senior Team
Class of 2020, it’s your turn to shine! Tell. YOUR. Story. and be a part of the 2020 PCP Senior Team. Applications are currently being accepted. Follow this link to apply.

The PCP Senior Experience – {San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer}
Have you wondered about what is involved in the PCP Senior Experience?? The PCP Senior Experience {San Antonio Senior Portrait Photographer} discusses the full experience – from your consultation, to the hair and makeup appointment, to the session, to the Reveal and Ordering Appointment, and finally to Delivery Day!
The PCP Senior Experience
The PCP Senior Experience is more than just a photo session. It’s planning a session that is perfect for you and reflects your style and personality. Before your session even occurs, we have a scheduled time to discuss your goals for your session and your portrait needs. We will discuss your wardrobe choices, hair and makeup scheduling, and any props you’d like to use.
By planning and creating a vision, together we can execute a shoot that is unique to YOU!
Hair and Makeup
The majority of my senior girls get their hair and makeup professionally done before their sessions. There are many reasons for this. First, it adds to the total experience of your session! You get to have a day of pampering that is special. Second, having your hair and makeup professionally done lets you and your parents relax the day of your session. You won’t have to worry about if you applied too much or too little blush or lipstick, or if your hair will go flat 10 minutes into your session.
This is why I always suggest to my seniors to leave it all to the professionals! I work with very talented hair and makeup artists who will ensure that you look flawless and that you feel fabulous for your session! When you feel good about the way you look, you feel more confident in front of the camera. Even if you don’t usually wear a lot of makeup, a professional artist will help you look amazing and fresh faced for your session!
Your PCP Senior Session
Your session will be 2 hours at a location that reflects your style and personality, and you will be able to wear up to 4 outfits!
Your PCP Senior Session is your chance to {Tell. YOUR. Story.}. You should wear styles that you love and mix it up. Choose casual to formal outfits and anything in between! Don’t forget to accessorize! Hats, scarves, your favorite musical instrument, or your car – these are all perfect ways to show your personality.

What Happens Next?
About 2 weeks after your session, you get the chance to see all your images at your Image Reveal Appointment! This is where you get to choose your favorite images and order your wall art, albums, and prints. You will get to see a slideshow with all your images, and then we will go through them one by one. I will help you all along the way to choose your favorites for wall art, albums and prints!

Delivery Day!
Designing your wall art, albums, prints and gift items so that they are perfect for you is a great pleasure for me! My clients enjoy unwrapping their pretty packages and viewing their artwork for the first time! If you need help placing and hanging your wall art, I can certainly help with that, as well.

Schedule Your PCP Senior Experience
Your Senior Year should be special, and the PCP Senior Experience should be part of it! If you’re ready to have an experience as unique as you are, contact me HERE so we can set up your consultation today. I am currently scheduling Class of 2019 for Spring and Class of 2020 for this Summer and Fall!
2020 PCP Senior Team
Would you like to be a part of the 2020 PCP Senior Team? You can find out more by clicking the link HERE.
Basic DSLR Photography Class – San Antonio Photographer
As a San Antonio photographer, I get asked lots of questions about cameras, settings, troubleshooting, etc. Being mostly a self-taught photographer, I love sharing what I’ve learned along the way! Over the years, I’ve used many avenues to learn and improve my craft – classes, online tutorials, you-tube videos, professional online groups. What I’ve learned is when I have the opportunity for in-person, hands-on learning, I learn best! This is why I started teaching a Basic DSLR Photography Class.
Is this class for you??
Did you get a brand new camera for Christmas? Or do you have a DSLR camera, whatever brand, that you only use the Auto mode on? Do you want to gain a better understanding of your camera’s different shooting modes, learn basic photography concepts, and generally improve your skills? If your answer to any of these questions is YES!!, then this class is for you. The only requirements for the class are to own a DSLR and bring a positive attitude!!

What’s covered in the class?
In the Basic DSLR Photography Class, we will cover gear, exposure, camera settings and shooting modes, as well as basic concepts like ISO, aperture, shutter speed, white balance, basic composition and use of light. You will have a workbook that you can take notes in and you also will have access to a few extra freebie “cheat sheets”. The in-class portion of the class 2.5-3 hours, then we will go outside and have time to practice what you’ve learned! In addition, I will be available for any questions you have after you take the class!

When is the Basic DSLR Photography Class??
The next class will be February 2, 2019 from 1-5pm. The class is limited to about 10 people, so that each attendee can get the most benefit and hands-on time.
Ready to sign up?
I SO HOPE YOU ARE!! I promise you will love the class and you will be so glad you signed up! Sign up soon! There are only a few remaining sots and I want YOU to have one! The price of the class is $129. Hurry and get your seat! Space is limited to ensure the best experience for all.
Click HERE to purchase your seat today.
Have questions??
If you have any questions or would like to chat about scheduling your PCP Senior or Family Experience, contact me here.

Class of 2020 – Join the Team! San Antonio Senior Photographer
As a San Antonio Senior Photographer, I love the opportunity to meet and photograph a new group of bright and promising teens each year. I enjoy getting to know them, what they love and the activities they’re involved in. This always begins with the PCP Senior Team search, which is currently underway for the Class of 2020! So Class of 2020- Join the Team!
Be a PCP Team Rep
As a PCP Senior Team Rep, you will have an individual photo session with Pagette and you will have the opportunity to participate in a Group Photo Session with other senior reps. Our Reps are just every girls LIKE YOU from ALL LOCAL SCHOOLS – private, public, charter and home schools as well. Students in San Antonio and all surrounding communities are welcome to apply! (Boerne, New Braunfels, Devine, Hondo, Castroville, to name a few)

Join the Team!
When you apply, I closely review your social media accounts to make sure that you will be a great fit for the Pagette Callender Photography brand, and I conduct phone and in person interviews.
It does NOT COST EXTRA to be a rep! You pay for your session and for the pictures you like. As a rep, you are giving yourself additional opportunities for shoots and group activities. There is no pressure to sell or market for Pagette Callender Photography. I know that you are busy!! That’s why I don’t require participation in group activities or social media posting. I want this to be something that’s fun and adds great memories to your senior year!

**Make sure to invite your friends to participate!**
Find out More about PCP Seniors
Here are the steps:
Apply! – With your parent’s consent, complete the online application. Make sure that your parents have read through and understand all the information on our website about the teams and are completely on board before you apply. If your parent has not reviewed the information prior to our call, you will be disqualified.
Once you have completed your application, I will review it and then schedule a time to call to talk more with you and your parent.

Now You’re on the PCP Senior Team!!
After you are chosen for our Senior team, we will schedule your individual session. As a rep, you will receive a discount on your Creative Fee. I will work with you to help you decide what to wear and the location of your session. At your session, I will work with you to help you enjoy your experience and we will create images that you will love! After your session, we will schedule your Image Reveal and Ordering appointment for you to see your images for the first time and order your favorites. We have several collections of products to choose from as well as a la carte products.
After you complete your individual session, you will be able to participate in group sessions with other reps as they arise. Your images will be showcased on my social media pages and website.

San Antonio Senior Photographer, Devin’s 2018 PCP Senior Session

As a San Antonio Senior Photographer, Devin’s 2018 PCP Senior Session was special to me. I have had the pleasure of knowing Devin since she was in elementary school. She and my senior son, Hudson, went to school together and then they began swimming together on our neighborhood swim team, The YMCA Riptide, during that time. Devin and Hudson now work together as lifeguards for the same neighborhood pool. Over the years, I’ve enjoyed watching her grow into a successful young woman.
2018 PCP Senior Team
Devin was chosen to be a part of my 2018 PCP Senior Team. She participated in our beach and fiesta sessions in addition to her personal senior session! I loved having Devin as part of my team this last year. She was always energetic and connected well with the rest of the team. If you’d like to find out more about the PCP Senior and Teen Teams, click here.
Devin in High School
Throughout high school at Winston Churchill, Devin participated in cheer, the Ready, Set, Teach program, and Young Life. Devin was active supporter of the Chargers and enjoyed going to school events! She was also inducted into National Honor Society.
San Antonio Senior Photographer, Devin’s 2018 PCP Senior Session
Devin wanted a natural setting for her senior session. She chose the beautiful Cibolo Nature Center and Farm in Boerne as her session location. The fall evening light and the leaves beginning to change color made for a gorgeous evening! I loved her casual style. Her green sweater and denim skirt really popped and the gorgeous fall color brought out the red tones in Devin’s hair!
Devin’s Next Chapter
Devin’s now a Horned Frog! She will be attending Texas Christian University in the fall of 2018. I know that in whatever Devin chooses to study or pursue, she will be successful!
Congrats Devin!
Class of 2019, It’s Your Turn!
It’s your turn, rising seniors! Sessions are currently open for the summer and early fall for the Class of 2019! Contact me today to schedule your consultation so that we can Tell. YOUR. Story.