by pagettec | Jan 12, 2019 | Basic Photography Education, Children, Families, Moms, Motherhood
As a San Antonio photographer, I get asked lots of questions about cameras, settings, troubleshooting, etc. Being mostly a self-taught photographer, I love sharing what I’ve learned along the way! Over the years, I’ve used many avenues to learn and improve my craft –...
by pagettec | Dec 4, 2017 | Basic Photography Education, Families, Moms, Uncategorized
(As the 2018 Basic DSLR Photography Class approaches, I am sharing a few of my earlier posts camera education.) What’s in my camera bag? I get asked about my lenses all the time. What are my favorites and what’s the best lens for ….. Compared to some photographers, my...
by pagettec | Nov 27, 2017 | Basic Photography Education, Black Friday, Children, Families, Moms, Seniors
As a professional photographer, I get asked lots of questions about cameras, settings, troubleshooting, etc. Being mostly a self-taught photographer, I love sharing what I’ve learned along the way! Over the years, I’ve used many avenues to learn and...
by pagettec | May 26, 2017 | Basic Photography Education, Families, Uncategorized
This week’s topic is Photography Basics – Understanding Camera Modes. How many have you tried to use? Anything other than full Auto? I hope so! If not, your challenge after reading this is to GO PLAY WITH YOUR CAMERA! You might not be ready for full Manual...
by pagettec | May 15, 2017 | Basic Photography Education, Families, Uncategorized
Digital photography has made it easier to have a fabulous camera! No matter if you are Camp Canon, Nikon, Sony, or fill in the blank, all the same principles apply. Moms and dads (and grandparents) with cameras, I want to help you feel more confident in photographing...
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