by pagettec | Jan 12, 2019 | Basic Photography Education, Children, Families, Moms, Motherhood
As a San Antonio photographer, I get asked lots of questions about cameras, settings, troubleshooting, etc. Being mostly a self-taught photographer, I love sharing what I’ve learned along the way! Over the years, I’ve used many avenues to learn and improve my craft –...
by pagettec | Nov 20, 2017 | Children, Families, Moms, Motherhood, Uncategorized
We all know couples that would be amazing parents – they just have to be given the opportunity. When it finally happens for them, we all celebrate with them and cry our own tears of joy! For me, one of those sweet families is the Loerwald’s. I’ve had the honor of...
by pagettec | May 14, 2017 | Families, Motherhood, Uncategorized
There are so many things you don’t appreciate about your mom until you’re older. I am guilty of that! Not until I was a mom did I understand the sacrifice, dedication, and patience my mom modeled for my siblings and me. So today, I’m Celebrating Mom. My mom, Linda,...
by pagettec | May 1, 2017 | Families, Gluten Free Baking, Motherhood, Uncategorized
This post is more personal and has absolutely nothing to do with photography, but I wanted to share a baking win with you guys! I have a love of baking that started when I was little. Some of my early memories are of licking batter off of mixer paddles with my sister...
by pagettec | Mar 21, 2017 | Children, Families, Motherhood, Uncategorized
We are celebrating motherhood this spring at PCP! We know how much you love your children, and with all you do for them, maybe you aren’t in the actual pictures as much as you’d like to be. Here is your opportunity to get in the frame with your babies – no matter...
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