by pagettec | Jan 10, 2018 | Seniors, Teens, Uncategorized
Mikayla is a senior at Churchill HS in San Antonio. She’s the starting pitcher on the Churchill Chargers Varsity Softball Team. It was such a pleasure meeting Mikayla and her parents. She is such a down to earth and sweet senior! Her style is easygoing and fun and...
by pagettec | Jan 9, 2018 | Business, Families, Moms, Uncategorized
It’s a new year, so it’s time for new head shots. Putting a fresh face on your business is always a good idea. Having head shots that promote you as a business professional help you to put your best foot forward for the new year. Whether you use your head shots for...
by pagettec | Dec 4, 2017 | Basic Photography Education, Families, Moms, Uncategorized
(As the 2018 Basic DSLR Photography Class approaches, I am sharing a few of my earlier posts camera education.) What’s in my camera bag? I get asked about my lenses all the time. What are my favorites and what’s the best lens for ….. Compared to some photographers, my...
by pagettec | Nov 20, 2017 | Children, Families, Moms, Motherhood, Uncategorized
We all know couples that would be amazing parents – they just have to be given the opportunity. When it finally happens for them, we all celebrate with them and cry our own tears of joy! For me, one of those sweet families is the Loerwald’s. I’ve had the honor of...
by pagettec | Oct 20, 2017 | Children, Seniors, Teens, Uncategorized
As a San Antonio Senior Photographer, I know I say it a lot, but I LOVED MORGAN’S SESSION!!!! It is true, though, I adore each of my seniors, and Morgan is no exception. Working with seniors is such a joy and a huge blessing for me. I love watching them as their...
by pagettec | Sep 27, 2017 | Seniors, Teens, Uncategorized
Demi’s senior session was so much fun! Hot, but fun! Demi is a fun, sweet senior with a 1000-watt smile. She is always smiling and kind. Demi attends Robert E Lee High School and is varsity cheer captain. She also volunteers as a cheer coach and enjoys tubing,...
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