Confession time. I don’t have the biggest, newest, fanciest camera. In my small (and growing) business, it hasn’t been in my budget yet. Believe me – I already know what I want! A beautiful Canon 5D MK III. Or MKIV. The latter is a total dream! Upgrading my camera body is hopefully a purchase I will make this next year, but until then, I will continue to use my trusty Canon 60D.

My Dream!
Start Where You Are, With What You Have
My point – start where you are, with what you have. A fancier, more expensive camera won’t miraculously make your photos better. YOU, learning how to better use your camera, WILL. Every DSLR has the same basic settings and functions. Whether you want to learn to shoot in full manual, or just understand all those strange photography terms – ISO, shutter speed, aperture, etc. – starting with the equipment you have now and practicing will yield improved results. Over the years, with training and practice, I’ve improved my skills and consistently deliver images and artwork that my clients love and cherish.
A photography teacher once reminded me that my best investments are education, lenses, and THEN a new camera body – in that order. I’ve tried to follow that rule as I’ve upgraded equipment over the years. Another secret – two of my most expensive lenses I bought USED! I did my research, found a reputable company, saved my money, and waited until what I wanted was in stock. They are two of my favorite lenses, and I paid about 60% of the retail price for each of them. As I shop this next year for my camera body upgrade, it very well may be pre-owned as well.
Education is Key
The best way to improve your photography is education and practice! The Web is a fabulous resource – You Tube tutorials, educational websites, Facebook groups – as well as local photography schools and college level classes. Learning the basics of ISO, Aperture, Shutter Speed, and use of Light and camera modes will make your photography much better – even if you just want to take better pictures of your kids and family!
Are You Wanting To Learn More About Your Camera?
I would love to help you learn more about your camera and the basics of photography! What better way to learn than with a few girlfriends on a Saturday morning?? January 21 at 10 am, I will be hosting a photography basics class. We will discuss equipment, camera settings, lighting, and you will be hands-on with your own camera. You will go home with great information and a even few extra tip sheet freebies!

A Class Jam-Packed with Great Information!
Join Me January 21
I would love for you to come on January 21, and you can sign up here. The class is only $89 and space is limited, so sign up now!

Class Freebie Tip Sheets
Great tips! Thanks for sharing!